To make transactions more convenient, the platform also supports cryptocurrency users. Users can then use their added bankroll on various bets, such as moneyline, prop bets, point spread, and totals. To attract users, MyBookie showers them with generous bonuses for registering and reloading, including a 50% welcome bonus of up to $1,000 and a 10% match bonus up to $200. MyBookie caters to bettors of all budgets, even high-stakes bettors with a high-limit sportsbook allowing bets of $5,000 and more. The platform’s wide range of betting markets encompass major sports leagues, horse racing, and even the burgeoning eSports sector. Top 8 Offshore Betting Sites MyBookieįrom mainstream sports like football and basketball, to more niche sports like cricket and rugby, MyBookie has something to offer to the online bettor. Join us across digital borders as we embark on a journey for the best offshore gambling havens in the final quarter of 2023. Trust in blockchain technology, ease of digitizing real world assets, and the minimal fees for global transactions have quickly transformed the landscape of offshore gambling.īut as it becomes more lucrative to bet online, users have also become more discerning on which platforms to use. With the gradual adoption of digital currencies, offshore betting sites can now operate independently of traditional financial institutions. 1.11 Summary and Outlook for Offshore Betting Sites